Castle Craig Basic Award 
I have decided to change up the Castle Craig Certificate program a little to modernize it and bring it up to the way other chapters handle local members.

History - Since the beginning we have had two local categories, the Local Member and the Honorary Local Member.  The difference being was the Local Members were members of MARC and the Honorary Members were amateurs in the local ground wave area who could work our nets but were not MARC members.  These were hams that would work the QSO parties and credit Castle Craig with their scores.   The basic point structure was the same a 4 Point Certificate.

The Changes - Effective immediately I am eliminating the Honorary Member category and making those Castle Craig Members full Members.  This means that anyone in the local ground wave area that joins the chapter by working another member and had a number that end in "HL", example 1000 HL could drop the "H" and make it just 1000 L.  The other member categories don't change, Honorary Charter, First State, or Country, DX, Other Certificates.

-73- Al - N1API
Castle Craig Chapter Head and Certificate Manager

Work 8 points in any combination from the table below on 10 meters.
The station applying must have a 10-10 number.

Castle Craig Basic Certificate Values: 
Stacks Image 110
Special Bonus:
We offer a ONE TIME bonus of 10 points added to your certificate value for proof of paid up 10-10 membership.
For 10-10 life members, you will receive 25
The Price of the Basic Certificate is $ 2.00 and 2 First Class Stamps.
The price for DX is $5.00 in US Funds.
DX Stations please do not send foreign stamps.

applications and upgrades go to the Certificate Manager.
You may also apply to the Certificate Manager for a number only via regular mail or email. 

email the Certificate Manager if you need the address for mail applications.
You may use the mailing address of N1API or W1NRG from the database
Applications to the mailing address of W1NRG will take longer
because the PO Box is not checked every day.

The Seal Of Meriden
To qualify work 100 points in any combination.
2 points will be added to your point value for this upgrade.
You may upgrade to this seal via email to the Certificate Manager, or by USPS, SASE for US Stations.
The DX cost for this upgrade is an SAE and $3.00 USD.

The Flag Of Connecticut
You must hold all other upgrades.
Work 25 holders of the Seal of Meriden to qualify, or you may work an Instant Qualifier for the Basic and first two seals. 
3 points will be
added to your point value for this upgrade.
You may upgrade to this seal via email to the Certificate Manager or by USPS, SASE for US Stations.
The DX cost for this upgrade is an SAE and $3.00 USD.

The Constitution State Award
To qualify for this upgrade you need to hold all previous upgrades.
U.S. Stations work 10 holders of the Flag Of Connecticut.
DX stations work 5 holders of The Flag Of Connecticut.
The Constitution State will also be awarded automatically when your Castle Craig Plus points equal 100 points.
100 points will be added to your basic certificate value for this upgrade.
Email your qualifying information to the Certificate Manager or by USPS, SASE for US Stations.
The DX cost for this upgrade is an SAE and $3.00 USD